1. Introduction to SeqWare
  2. Installation
  3. Getting Started
  4. SeqWare Pipeline
    1. Overview
    2. The Oozie Engine
    3. Debugging and Troubleshooting Tutorial
  5. SeqWare MetaDB
  6. SeqWare Portal
  7. SeqWare Web Service
  8. SeqWare Query Engine
  9. Glossary
  10. Frequently Asked Questions
  11. APIs
  12. Source Code
  13. Plugins
  14. Modules
  15. Advanced Topics

Debugging, Troubleshooting, & Restarting Workflow


The Oozie Engine

The Oozie Engine has both command line tools and a web interface for interacting with workflow status information. The web interface is particularly helpful, you can find it typically at:


Debugging Workflows

Navigate to the Oozie console at the URL above. Recent workflows and their status can be found here. Click on the workflow for more information including stderr/stdout for the jobs.

Restarting Workflows

While Oozie does support workflow re-submission (via the ‘seqware workflow-run retry’ command) the recommended approach for failed workflows in SeqWare is simply to resubmit the workflows. You can either do this by using the ‘seqware workflow schedule’ command anew or by using ‘seqware workflow-run reschedule’ to re-schedule a new workflow-run using exactly the same configuration as a previous schedule of a workflow.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Tutorial

Debugging Workflows that Fail During Launch-time

Here, we will demonstrate a few things that can go wrong when launching a buggy workflow. In this situation, you will be informed about the failures by the WorkflowLauncher. You can demonstrate these failures by running the workflows using the development command ‘seqware bundle launch’. On the seqware VM, you will be able to read the log associated with ‘seqware workflow-run launch-scheduled’ in the crontab for the seqware user.

First, create the workflow that we will demonstrate debugging with.

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -Dpackage=com.github.seqware -DgupId=com.github.seqware -DarchetypeArtifactId=seqware-archetype-java-workflow -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeGroupId=com.github.seqware -DartifactId=BuggyWorkflow -Dworkflow-name=BuggyWorkflow -B
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.885s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 05 13:19:14 EDT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/480M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next, modify the Java workflow class to have a large number of errors

package com.github.seqware;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.AbstractWorkflowDataModel;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.model.Job;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.model.SqwFile;

public class BuggyWorkflowWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflowDataModel {

    private boolean manualOutput = false;
    private String catPath, echoPath;
    private String greeting = "";

    private void init() {
	try {
	    // optional properties
	    if (hasPropertyAndNotNull("manual_output")) {
		manualOutput = Boolean.valueOf(getProperty("manual_output"));
	    if (hasPropertyAndNotNull("greeting")) {
		greeting = getProperty("greeting");
	    // these two properties are essential to the workflow. If they are null or do not
	    // exist in the INI, the workflow should exit.
	    catPath = getProperty("cat");
	    echoPath = getProperty("echo");
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    throw new RuntimeException(e);
	// do something silly here
	System.err.println("Let's divide by zero");
	int y = 10 / 0;

    public void setupDirectory() {
	// since setupDirectory is the first method run, we use it to initialize variables too.
	// creates a dir1 directory in the current working directory where the workflow runs
	// do something silly here
	System.err.println("Let's use a null pointer");
	File file = null;
	if (1 * 10 == 5) {
	    // need to fool the compiler into thinking this might be not null
	    file = new File("random file name");

    public Map<String, SqwFile> setupFiles() {
	try {
	    // register an plaintext input file using the information from the INI
	    // provisioning this file to the working directory will be the first step in the workflow
	    SqwFile file0 = this.createFile("file_in_0");

	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
	// do something silly here
	System.err.println("Let's use an incorrect array index");
	int[] arr = new int[5];
	for (int i = 0; i <= arr.length; i++) {
	return this.getFiles();

    public void buildWorkflow() {

	// a simple bash job to call mkdir
	// note that this job uses the system's mkdir (which depends on the system being *nix)
	// this also translates into a 3000 h_vmem limit when using sge
	Job mkdirJob = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_mkdir").setMaxMemory("3000");
	mkdirJob.getCommand().addArgument("mkdir test1");

	String inputFilePath = this.getFiles().get("file_in_0").getProvisionedPath();

	// a simple bash job to cat a file into a test file
	// the file is not saved to the metadata database
	Job copyJob1 = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_cp").setMaxMemory("3000");
	copyJob1.setCommand(catPath + " " + inputFilePath + "> test1/test.out");

	// a simple bash job to echo to an output file and concat an input file
	// the file IS saved to the metadata database
	Job copyJob2 = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_cp").setMaxMemory("3000");
	copyJob2.getCommand().addArgument(echoPath).addArgument(greeting).addArgument(" > ").addArgument("dir1/output");
	copyJob2.getCommand().addArgument(catPath + " " + inputFilePath + " >> dir1/output");
	copyJob2.addFile(createOutputFile("dir1/output", "txt/plain", manualOutput));

	// do something silly here
	System.err.println("Create a negative size array ");
	int[] arr = new int[-5];

    private SqwFile createOutputFile(String workingPath, String metatype, boolean manualOutput) {
	// register an output file
	SqwFile file1 = new SqwFile();

	// if manual_output is set in the ini then use it to set the destination of this file
	if (manualOutput) {
	    file1.setOutputPath(this.getMetadata_output_file_prefix() + getMetadata_output_dir() + "/" + workingPath);
	} else {
	    file1.setOutputPath(this.getMetadata_output_file_prefix() + getMetadata_output_dir() + "/" + this.getName() + "_"
		    + this.getVersion() + "/" + this.getRandom() + "/" + workingPath);
	return file1;


Build the workflow and then test launch it. You should see a stack trace which demonstrates an exception occuring during the launching of the workflow.

$ mvn clean install
$ seqware bundle launch --dir target/Workflow_Bundle_BuggyWorkflow_1.0-SNAPSHOT_SeqWare_1.1.0/
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
	at com.github.seqware.BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.init(BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java:46)
	at com.github.seqware.BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.setupDirectory(BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java:53)
	... 30 more
[SeqWare Pipeline] FATAL [2014/08/05 13:35:27] | Exception constructing data model, failing workflow 28
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Rethrow.rethrow(Rethrow.java:26)
	at net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.WorkflowDataModelFactory.getWorkflowDataModel(WorkflowDataModelFactory.java:216)

Fix the error in the init method as suggested by the stack trace and rebuild plus relaunch.

$ vim src/main/java/com/github/seqware/BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java 
$ mvn clean install
$ seqware bundle launch --dir target/Workflow_Bundle_BuggyWorkflow_1.0-SNAPSHOT_SeqWare_1.1.0/
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.github.seqware.BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.setupDirectory(BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java:59)
	... 30 more
[SeqWare Pipeline] FATAL [2014/08/05 13:46:43] | Exception constructing data model, failing workflow 30
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

Fix the error in the setupDirectory method and rebuild plus relaunch.

$ vim src/main/java/com/github/seqware/BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java 
$ mvn clean install
$ seqware bundle launch --dir target/Workflow_Bundle_BuggyWorkflow_1.0-SNAPSHOT_SeqWare_1.1.0/
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
	at com.github.seqware.BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.setupFiles(BuggyWorkflowWorkflow.java:72)
	... 30 more

You know the drill by now, fix the error in the buildWorkflow method and rebuild plus relaunch.

Debugging Workflows that Fail During Run-time

The previous section concerned workflows that fail during launch time when the workflow data model is created. This section concerns workflows that fail when they are run. Use the following code for your workflow class.

package com.github.seqware;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.AbstractWorkflowDataModel;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.model.Job;
import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.model.SqwFile;

public class BuggyWorkflowWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflowDataModel {

    private boolean manualOutput = false;
    private String catPath, echoPath;
    private String greeting = "";

    private void init() {
	try {
	    // optional properties
	    if (hasPropertyAndNotNull("manual_output")) {
		manualOutput = Boolean.valueOf(getProperty("manual_output"));
	    if (hasPropertyAndNotNull("greeting")) {
		greeting = getProperty("greeting");
	    // these two properties are essential to the workflow. If they are null or do not
	    // exist in the INI, the workflow should exit.
	    catPath = getProperty("cat");
	    echoPath = getProperty("echo");
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void setupDirectory() {
	// since setupDirectory is the first method run, we use it to initialize variables too.
	// creates a dir1 directory in the current working directory where the workflow runs

    public Map<String, SqwFile> setupFiles() {
	try {
	    // register an plaintext input file using the information from the INI
	    // provisioning this file to the working directory will be the first step in the workflow
	    SqwFile file0 = this.createFile("file_in_0");

	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
	return this.getFiles();

    public void buildWorkflow() {

	// a simple bash job to call mkdir
	// note that this job uses the system's mkdir (which depends on the system being *nix)
	// this also translates into a 3000 h_vmem limit when using sge
	Job mkdirJob = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_mkdir").setMaxMemory("3000");
	mkdirJob.getCommand().addArgument("mkdir $fubar_test");
	// mkdirJob.getCommand().addArgument("mkdir test1");

	String inputFilePath = this.getFiles().get("file_in_0").getProvisionedPath();

	// a simple bash job to cat a file into a test file
	// the file is not saved to the metadata database
	Job copyJob1 = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_cp").setMaxMemory("3000");
	copyJob1.setCommand(catPath + " " + inputFilePath + "> fubar/test.out");
	// copyJob1.setCommand(catPath + " " + inputFilePath + "> test1/test.out");

	// a simple bash job to echo to an output file and concat an input file
	// the file IS saved to the metadata database
	Job copyJob2 = this.getWorkflow().createBashJob("bash_cp").setMaxMemory("3000");
	copyJob2.getCommand().addArgument(echoPath).addArgument(greeting).addArgument(" > ").addArgument("fubar/output");
	// copyJob2.getCommand().addArgument(echoPath).addArgument(greeting).addArgument(" > ").addArgument("dir1/output");
	copyJob2.getCommand().addArgument(catPath + " " + inputFilePath + " >> dir1/output");
	copyJob2.addFile(createOutputFile("dir1/output", "txt/plain", manualOutput));

    private SqwFile createOutputFile(String workingPath, String metatype, boolean manualOutput) {
	// register an output file
	SqwFile file1 = new SqwFile();

	// if manual_output is set in the ini then use it to set the destination of this file
	if (manualOutput) {
	    file1.setOutputPath(this.getMetadata_output_file_prefix() + getMetadata_output_dir() + "/" + workingPath);
	} else {
	    file1.setOutputPath(this.getMetadata_output_file_prefix() + getMetadata_output_dir() + "/" + this.getName() + "_"
		    + this.getVersion() + "/" + this.getRandom() + "/" + workingPath);
	return file1;


Build the workflow and launch using ‘seqware bundle launch’. You should see the workflow launch successfully, submit to Oozie, and then the WorkflowWatcher start up to watch the running of the workflow:

$ mvn clean install
$ seqware bundle launch --dir target/Workflow_Bundle_BuggyWorkflow_1.0-SNAPSHOT_SeqWare_1.1.0/
Files copied to /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9
Submitted Oozie job: 0000003-140801172645564-oozie-oozi-W
[--plugin, io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowWatcher, --, --workflow-run-accession, 38]
Workflow job running ...
Application Path   : hdfs://localhost:8020/user/dyuen/seqware_workflow/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9
Application Name   : BuggyWorkflow
Application Status : RUNNING
Application Actions:
   Name: :start: Type: :START: Status: OK
   Name: start_0 Type: sge Status: OK
   Name: provisionFile_file_in_0_1 Type: sge Status: OK
   Name: bash_mkdir_2 Type: sge Status: RUNNING

Workflow job completed ...
Application Path   : hdfs://localhost:8020/user/dyuen/seqware_workflow/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9
Application Name   : BuggyWorkflow
Application Status : KILLED
Application Actions:
   Name: :start: Type: :START: Status: OK
   Name: start_0 Type: sge Status: OK
   Name: provisionFile_file_in_0_1 Type: sge Status: OK
   Name: bash_mkdir_2 Type: sge Status: ERROR
   Name: fail Type: :KILL: Status: OK
The method 'do_run' exited abnormally so the Runner will terminate here!
Return value was: 15

Notice that the workflow was killed due to an error in the ‘bash_mkdir_2’ step. The easiest way to determine why that step failed is to pull back the stdout and stderr from the steps of the workflow. This information is saved in the metadb via ‘seqware workflow-run propagate-statuses’ which is run on a schedule on the seqware VM. Note that you can also look at the raw working directory which is reported as the Workflow Run Working Dir by the ‘seqware workflow-run report’.

$ seqware workflow-run propagate-statuses
[2014/08/05 14:45:26] | Propagated workflow engine statuses
$ seqware workflow-run report --accession 38
-[ RECORD 0 ]------------------+----------------------------------------------------------
Workflow                       | BuggyWorkflow 1.0-SNAPSHOT                                
Workflow Run SWID              | 38                                                        
Workflow Run Status            | failed                                                    
Workflow Run Create Timestamp  | 2014-08-05 14:42:09.985                                   
Workflow Run Host              | master                                                 
Workflow Run Working Dir       | /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9 
Workflow Run Engine ID         | 0000003-140801172645564-oozie-oozi-W                      

$ seqware workflow-run stderr --accession 38
Created file 38.err
$ cat 38.err
Job Name: start_0
Job ID:   3241
File:     /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9/generated-scripts/start_0.e3241
Updated:  Tue Aug 05 14:42:20 EDT 2014


Job Name: provisionFile_file_in_0_1
Job ID:   3242
File:     /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9/generated-scripts/provisionFile_file_in_0_1.e3242
Updated:  Tue Aug 05 14:42:50 EDT 2014

Job Name: bash_mkdir_2
Job ID:   3243
File:     /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-3967f3de-6153-4618-806e-2e29a51293b9/generated-scripts/bash_mkdir_2.e3243
Updated:  Tue Aug 05 14:43:20 EDT 2014
mkdir: missing operand
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
mkdir: missing operand
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
The method 'do_run' exited abnormally so the Runner will terminate here!
Return value was: 1

Fix the error, rebuild, and relaunch. The workflow should now proceed onto the next errors in the parallel steps ‘bash_cp_3’ and ‘bash_cp_4’. Use the same kind of procedure to locate the error and fix it. The relevant error information from the stderr should be as follows.

Job Name: bash_cp_3
Job ID:   3250
File:     /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_3.e3250
Updated:  Tue Aug 05 15:06:20 EDT 2014
/usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_3.sh: line 6: fubar/test.out: No such file or directory
/usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_3.sh: line 6: fubar/test.out: No such file or directory
The method 'do_run' exited abnormally so the Runner will terminate here!
Return value was: 1

Job Name: bash_cp_4
Job ID:   3251
File:     /usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_4.e3251
Updated:  Tue Aug 05 15:06:20 EDT 2014
/usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_4.sh: line 6: fubar/output: No such file or directory
/usr/tmp/oozie/oozie-0fe6d124-1768-48a2-99f7-1f541ef6629a/generated-scripts/bash_cp_4.sh: line 6: fubar/output: No such file or directory
The method 'do_run' exited abnormally so the Runner will terminate here!
Return value was: 1

Fix the two errors and your workflow should now run to completion.