SchemaSpy Analysis of test_seqware_meta_db.public Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Mon Mar 31 13:20 EDT 2014
Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.1.12

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order (for database loading/purging scripts)

Table Children Parents Columns Rows Comments
expense 1 1 12 0 Auxiliary table for tracking expenses (not used at OICR)
expense_attribute 1 5 0 Auxiliary table for attributing expenses (not used at OICR)
experiment 5 5 25 423 High-level organization of samples (required, used for reporting, created by migration)
experiment_attribute 1 5 0 Attributes for experiments, created by the attribute annotator
experiment_library_design 1 3 11 8 Tracks experiment library design for reporting
experiment_link 1 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
experiment_spot_design 2 6 24 Tracks experiment spot design for reporting
experiment_spot_design_read_spec 1 10 41 Tracks experiment spot design read specifications for reporting
file 4 2 13 70,986 Track files used as input for and output from workflow runs (required, created by SeqWare)
file_attribute 1 5 23 Attributes for files, created by the attribute annotator
file_provenance_report 45 81,301 Generated table (essentially a materialized view, generated by SeqWare)
file_report 9 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
file_type 1 4 3 Track meta-types for files (used by deciders)
invoice 2 1 14 0 Track costs for workflows (unused at OICR)
invoice_attribute 1 5 0 Attributes for invoices
ius 4 3 12 18,586 Indivisible unit of sequencing (used for reporting, created by migration)
ius_attribute 1 5 67 Attributes for ius(es), created by the attribute annotator
ius_link 1 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
ius_workflow_runs 2 3 54,986 Deprecated table used to associate ius with workflow runs
lane 6 9 23 7,387 High-level organization of IUS, an actual lane on a sequencer (used for reporting, created by migration)
lane_attribute 1 5 7,396 Attributes for lanes, created by the attribute annotator
lane_link 1 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
lane_type 1 3 7 Tracks lane type for reporting
lane_workflow_runs 2 3 4,875 Deprecated table used to associate lanes with workflow runs
library_selection 2 3 25 Documents libraries for experiments
library_source 2 3 7 Documents libraries for experiments
library_strategy 2 3 21 Documents libraries for experiments
organism 2 5 56 Track organisms for samples and lanes
platform 2 4 28 Documents platforms for experiments
processing 11 3 21 518,682 Record details for steps of a workflow_run (created by SeqWare)
processing_attribute 1 5 1 Attributes for processing events
processing_experiments 2 7 3 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_files 2 3 70,831 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_ius 2 7 14,115 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_lanes 2 7 6,110 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_relationship 2 4 629,430 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_samples 2 7 37 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_sequencer_runs 2 7 8 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
processing_studies 2 7 0 Relates steps of a workflow to high-level metadata
registration 18 14 82 Authenticate users of this metadb
sample 11 3 25 121,340 High-level organization of IUS (used for reporting, created by migration)
sample_attribute 1 5 431,728 Attributes for samples, created by the attribute annotator
sample_hierarchy 2 2 120,260 Relationship of samples as they pass through the wet lab (created by migration)
sample_link 1 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
sample_relationship 2 4 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
sample_report 5 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
sample_search 1 1 3 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
sample_search_attribute 1 4 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
sequencer_run 3 2 32 1,130 High-level organization of lanes, an actual run of a sequencer (used for reporting, created by migration)
sequencer_run_attribute 1 5 1,213 Attributes for sequencer runs, created by the attribute annotator
share_experiment 2 7 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_file 2 7 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_lane 2 7 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_processing 2 7 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_sample 2 7 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_study 2 8 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
share_workflow_run 2 8 0 Support for the SeqWare portal (unused at oicr)
study 5 2 16 155 High-level organization of experiments (required for reporting, created by migration)
study_attribute 1 5 155 Attributes for studies, created by the attribute annotator
study_link 1 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
study_type 2 3 11 Documents studies
version 6 0 Legacy table inspired by SRA schema (unused at OICR)
workflow 3 1 20 68 Records installed workflows (created by SeqWare)
workflow_attribute 1 5 0 Attributes for workflows, created by the attribute annotator
workflow_param 1 1 8 1,561 Records parameters for workflows (populates default workflow.ini)
workflow_param_value 1 4 88 Records default parameter values for workflows (populates default workflow.ini)
workflow_run 8 2 20 38,550 Tracks runs of installed workflows (used by reporting, created by SeqWare)
workflow_run_attribute 1 5 1 Attributes for workflow runs, created by the attribute annotator
workflow_run_input_files 2 2 0 Tracks which files have been used as input for workflow runs (1.0.X, created by SeqWare)
workflow_run_param 1 6 0 Records parameters that a workflow was run with (created by SeqWare)
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