The SeqWare MetaDB is built and unit tested as with any other SeqWare component, using:
mvn clean install
Note that the VM, Installation, is already setup with SeqWare MetaDB, so these instructions should only be of use if you intend on installing SeqWare yourself or if you require the upgrading instructions to upgrade an existing installation of SeqWare.
You will need PostgreSQL (version >= 8.4.5) to use this database. Version 8.4.x can be installed following directions from or A version for MySQL or Oracle is not available but if anyone wants to submit that we would happily add it to the repository.
For example, on a recent Debian-based system you would do:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4
You can find the database schema in the seqware-meta-db directory in subversion.
# - Connection Settings - listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on; # comma-separated list of addresses; # defaults to 'localhost', '*' = all port = 5432
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket local all postgres ident #HOST DATABASE USER AUTH local all seqware md5 # IPv4 local connections: host all seqware md5
One tip, by default PostgreSQL uses “ident” to ensure that the user logging in via psql is the same as the user logged into the shell. I typically turn this off for the seqware user so I can log in as seqware under any users account. Note that the seqware user needs to be able to log on both to ‘seqware_meta_db’ and ‘test_seqware_meta_db’ (if you would like to run the tests).
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER seqware WITH PASSWORD 'seqware' CREATEDB;"
$ sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE DATABASE seqware_meta_db WITH OWNER = seqware;"
Once you create the database you may have to load a stored procedure programming language in order for stored procedures in the database to work properly. From the commandline, run:
$ sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql seqware_meta_db
In order to enable this for all of the databases created on your instance of PostgreSQL in the future, also apply this to the template1 database. This step is required for the tests to work properly.
$ sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql template1
There are two ways to build the database: for production use and for testing use. Production databases should be created for real data runs, whereas testing databases should be created for developer use during testing.
There are three files in Subversion that are used for building and populating the database.
Production databases should not have any testing data in them so that the test data does not interfere with real data. Accordingly, production databases are built using seqware_meta_db.sql and then applying seqware_meta_db_data.sql.
Testing databases are built using all three SQL files in sequence. The test data SQL file contains only testing data - none of the basic data from the second SQL file should be contained within it at all. There should not be any overlap between the two data files (data and testdata) in order to prevent errors and duplicated rows.
These files are structured this way for several reasons. First, if the schema changes in the future, the changes can be more easily put into the database by merely updating the schema, and then generating the data and testdata files. Second, it has previously been established that sequences in PostgreSQL (such as that used by the sw_accession, a key that is used throughout the database) can introduce errors in the form of duplicated keys when the schema and data are simultaneously loaded.
Populate a production database by loading the provided schema/data. You will be prompted to enter the password for your database user:
$ psql -U seqware -W seqware_meta_db < seqware_meta_db.sql
$ psql -U seqware -W seqware_meta_db < seqware_meta_db_data.sql
If you have problems please see the excellent PostgreSQL documentation. Setting up permissions in PostgreSQL can sometimes be tricky so make sure you read the documentation carefully.
Once created, you should be able to login to the db and see the following tables:
psql -h localhost -U seqware -W seqware_meta_db
Password for user seqware:
psql (8.4.8)
Type "help" for help.
seqware_meta_db=> \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | experiment | table | seqware
public | experiment_attribute | table | seqware
public | experiment_library_design | table | seqware
public | experiment_link | table | seqware
public | experiment_spot_design | table | seqware
public | experiment_spot_design_read_spec | table | seqware
public | file | table | seqware
public | file_report | table | seqware
public | file_type | table | seqware
public | ius | table | seqware
public | ius_attribute | table | seqware
public | ius_link | table | seqware
public | ius_workflow_runs | table | seqware
public | lane | table | seqware
public | lane_attribute | table | seqware
public | lane_link | table | seqware
public | lane_type | table | seqware
public | lane_workflow_runs | table | seqware
public | library_selection | table | seqware
public | library_source | table | seqware
public | library_strategy | table | seqware
public | organism | table | seqware
public | platform | table | seqware
public | processing | table | seqware
public | processing_attribute | table | seqware
public | processing_experiments | table | seqware
public | processing_files | table | seqware
public | processing_ius | table | seqware
public | processing_lanes | table | seqware
public | processing_relationship | table | seqware
public | processing_samples | table | seqware
public | processing_sequencer_runs | table | seqware
public | processing_studies | table | seqware
public | registration | table | seqware
public | sample | table | seqware
public | sample_attribute | table | seqware
public | sample_hierarchy | table | seqware
public | sample_link | table | seqware
public | sample_relationship | table | seqware
public | sample_report | table | seqware
public | sequencer_run | table | seqware
public | sequencer_run_attribute | table | seqware
public | share_experiment | table | seqware
public | share_file | table | seqware
public | share_lane | table | seqware
public | share_processing | table | seqware
public | share_sample | table | seqware
public | share_study | table | seqware
public | share_workflow_run | table | seqware
public | study | table | seqware
public | study_attribute | table | seqware
public | study_link | table | seqware
public | study_type | table | seqware
public | version | table | seqware
public | workflow | table | seqware
public | workflow_param | table | seqware
public | workflow_param_value | table | seqware
public | workflow_run | table | seqware
public | workflow_run_param | table | seqware
(59 rows)
Follow the directions as for production databases, but additionally load the testdata SQL file:
$ psql -U seqware -W seqware_meta_db < seqware_meta_db_testdata.sql
For for information on this file and how to create it, please see Updating the SeqWare MetadataDB
There are a few stored procedures in the DB that are used for reporting. If you add these to an existing DB you’ll need to run them once:
select fill_file_report();
select fill_sample_report();
Originally, these stored procedures were run as triggers whenever an update occurred in the database. We have discovered issues with the triggers when the DB is large and you are writing a lot of records to it consistently. For an install like this it would be much better to periodically populate the report tables using the above stored procedures. You’ll want to disable the triggers and then setup the cron:
# this disables them
alter table workflow_run disable trigger user;
alter table processing_files disable trigger user;
# here are the triggers:
CREATE FUNCTION "FileReportDelete"() RETURNS trigger
CREATE FUNCTION "FileReportInsert"() RETURNS trigger
CREATE FUNCTION "SampleReportDelete"() RETURNS trigger
CREATE FUNCTION "SampleReportUpdate"() RETURNS trigger
# the two report tables
seqware_meta_db=# \d sample_report
Table "public.sample_report"
Column | Type | Modifiers
study_id | integer |
child_sample_id | integer |
workflow_id | integer |
status | character varying(255) |
row_id | integer | not null default nextval('sample_report_row_id_seq'::regclass)
"sample_report_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (row_id)
"sample_report_study_id_child_sample_id_workflow_id_idx" btree (study_id, child_sample_id, workflow_id)
seqware_meta_db=# \d file_report
Table "public.file_report"
Column | Type | Modifiers
row_id | integer | not null default nextval('file_report_row_id_seq'::regclass)
study_id | integer |
ius_id | integer |
lane_id | integer |
file_id | integer |
sample_id | integer |
experiment_id | integer |
child_sample_id | integer |
processing_id | integer |
"file_report_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (row_id)
"file_report_study_id_idx" btree (study_id)
I developed a nightly script that will 1) ensure the filters are offline, 2) delete the contents of the report tables, 3) repopulate with stored procedures:
# a very simple shell script that will disable these triggers, purge the
# tables, and repop using stored procedures
psql seqware_meta_db -c "alter table workflow_run disable trigger user; alter table processing_files disable trigger user; delete from sample_report; delete from file_report; select fill_file_report(); select fill_sample_report();"
If you have previously installed SeqWare MetaDB and want to upgrade to the latest version, you can easily do so by running the upgrade scripts available from the repository.
In the SeqWare MetaDB repository in trunk, there are a number of upgrade scripts that allow you to update between versions. Here is a listing of the seqware_meta_db directory (Revision 4091) for an example.
seqware-meta-db:~$ ls
0.10.0_to_0.10.1.sql 0.7.5_to_0.8.0.sql 0.9.1_to_0.10.0.sql dcc-export-tool seqware_meta_db_data.sql sra-export-tool
0.10.1_to_0.10.2.sql 0.8.0_to_0.9.0.sql 2012_01_25_seqware_meta_db.sql pom.xml seqware_meta_db.sql TODO
0.10.2_to_0.11.2.sql 0.9.0_to_0.9.1.sql CHANGES README seqware_meta_db_testdata.sql
The numeric sql scripts, including 0.7.5_to_0.8.0.sql, 0.8.0_to_0.9.0.sql, 0.9.0_to_0.9.1.sql and 0.9.1_to_0.10.0.sql, contain the statements required to update the database schema between revisions. If you are not certain what version of the database you have, check the table below for the changes that were applied to each version:
Version | Change from previous version | Check |
0.8.0 | Added sample_hierarchy, processing_experiments tables. Added foreign keys and key constraints to a number of tables. Inserted rows into library_strategy, library_source and library_selection. | Look for presence of sample_hierarchy and processing_experiments tables. |
0.9.0 | Added new organisms (NCBI and OICR-specific), added new platforms, set the ‘code’ column in organism to be not null and the ‘ncbi_taxid’ column to be unique. | Check for the presence of an organism with the ‘name’ of “OICR Vaccinia JX-594” |
0.9.1 | Added primary keys and foreign keys. | Check to see if workflow_param_value has a primary key and a foreign key to workflow, i.e. running \d workflow_param_value in psql should show one index (pk_workflow_param_value) and one foreign key constraint (fk_workflow_param_value_workflow_param_id). |
0.10.0 | Inserted the BAM file type into the file_type table. | Check if file_type has a row with the ‘display_name’ of “bam file”. |
0.10.1 | Added the permanent_bundle_location to workflow table; added the default FileImport workflow (version 0.10.0) | Check if the FileImport workflow exists in the workflow table |
0.10.2 | Fixed a constraint on the sequencer_run_attribute table to point to sequencer_run instead of sample | Check that the foreign key sample_id references sequencer_run (sequencer_run_id) |
0.11.2 | Added the file_report and sample_report tables and created triggers to populate them when data is added to the database | Check for the presence of the file_report and sample_report tables. |
After you have determined the version of your database, you must apply each of the successive patches ‘‘in order’’. So, in order to upgrade a database that is version 0.7.5 or earlier, you must apply these files in this order.
The files can be applied simply by using the script as an input to the psql call. For example:
$ psql -U seqware -W -f 0.7.5_to_0.8.0.sql seqware_meta_db
We have done our best to avoid potential errors during upgrades. If you run into any problems, please contact the developers.